Monday, August 28, 2006

What's happenin'

Wow, it's been awhile since my last post! I guess quite a bit has been going on. Kyle and I spent last weekend at my dad's cabin with some friends. It was a nice getaway with cool weather, quad riding, laughing a lot and hot tubbing. We had a really nice time just hanging out with our friends and enjoying ourselves. Bella had a good time too, she spent the weekend with her Grammy (that's my mom). Of course, she got to do a little shopping and be completely spoiled. She loved every minute of it.

In other Bella news, she has recently started eating food and has taken on wrestling as a hobby. As Randy has mentioned before, she loves to eat pretty much whatever we give her but I have to say that since she has started the cereal and baby food, she has developed somewhat of a picky pallette. She no longer cares for her bottle as she now knows there is something better out there. She will only take it willingly when she is extremely tired and can't put up much of a fight. Her new favorite thing is her Eeyore. They have a love/hate relationship. She thoroughly enjoys growling at him and rolling around on the ground with him but when its bedtime, its all cuddles.

Ok, last but certainly not least....we got the news today...we got our house!!! Our loan app went through and it is officially ours which is a really good thing because we were already completely attached. It will be finished in late October to early November. So that's pretty exciting!

She does love to eat!

She likes to help with the blog...actually she just likes to pound on the keys.

Sleeping with her buddy...


The Grandparents said...

Hey, Lynds! Thanks for updating. The pix are darling! We had a good visit with Don's siblings in Atlanta while you were out playing in Flag. Did Bella get to quad?
Glad it is working out for the house. Do you have any date for moving? How much do they have left to do?
Love you all. COG

Brenda Walker said...

How fun to be able to decorate your new house in time for Christmas. Sounds like a fun time at the cabin.

CrazyUncle said...

I think we need to keep an eye on Eeyore. He might be pining for her pacifier. Or maybe he's just watching over her while she sleeps. I am not sure because, asw you say, she does wrestle and growl at him a lot.

Congrats on the house. It will probably seem like forever now while you are waiting for it to be done. Hey, you might have hubby take either still photos or videos while they are building. There are times when Dad used to refer to his "while building" photos before doing any improvement work, usually to check where wiring was.

Alison said...

Those pics are so cute. Hopefully we can see her at Thanksgiving and maybe even see your new house.

Caleb said...

I'm glad that the house thing worked out. It's good that Bella keeps up with the blogs. Maybe this means less time between posts eh? :)

Auntie Eisel said...

A new house, how exciting! Did you get the furniture like was in the picture in the last post? :) Bella is so cute!!