Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Thanksgiving weekend fun

I have been checking everyone's blogs and am glad to see that everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. We also had a nice Thanksgiving weekend. We spent Thanksgiving Day going from house to house as we do every year. We started off at Grandmom and Grandad's celebrating with the Walkers. We then headed to my grandma's to spend some time with my dad's family and then to my mom's house to end the day. It was a busy day but we enjoyed ourselves.

The rest of the weekend was spent spending time with family and decorating the house for Christmas. I included a picture of 2 of our trees...yes, that's right, 2 of our trees. We have 3 this year, one main tree and each of the girls has their own for their ornaments. I think having kids is just a really good reason to have more trees...I love Christmas. Call me crazy...

On Saturday, we had a girls afternoon and Kathie, Alison, my mom, Bella and I went to the Radio City Christmas Spectacular with the Rockettes. Bella loved it! I was a little nervous about taking her and her having to sit through the whole thing but she did really, really well. She loved all the lights and the dancing and music. The only time she felt like she needed to talk was to tell us when Santa was on stage.

Last but not least a baby update and some pictures. I went for my 36 week appointment last Wednesday and I was already 3 cm dilated so we were on baby watch all weekend. I have been having pretty strong contractions since Sunday but no baby yet. We will be sure to tell everyone when she arrives! A belated Happy Thanksgiving to all!