Thursday, July 27, 2006

There's no place like home...

I guess we have some super exciting news for this week and the next several weeks! We are oficially buying a house!! That's right, no more apartment living for us! We put money down on our very first house and will be moving in November. Here's the's a new build spec home and all of the options that were picked are things Kyle and I love. The price was exactly what we were looking to pay and for a lot more home than we were thinking we would get. When all the construction is finished it will be a beatiful 2,000 sq ft home with 3 bedrooms and a game room and a huge pantry (my personal favorite!). Here are some pics of the early stage of construction and the model of what our home will look like minus all of the beautiful furniture.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Happy Hunting

Let's see, what's new? Not a whole lot here...I guess we're just trying to beat the heat because it is HOT!!! I have one piece of exciting news for the week, tomorrow Kyle and I will begin hunting for our first house!!! We have decided that we have more than outgrown our current living situation (our scorpion infested apartment). We are meeting with a realtor to find us a new house before we can even think about expanding our family any further. We both refuse to lug another infant carrier up stairs everyday. So tomorrow should be exciting, hopefully we will find the perfect little house for our family.

And now, I will leave you all with some pictures...

Thursday, July 13, 2006

I will Always Love You

It turns out our daughter has taken a liking to Whitney Houston. What started this you may ask...Nana introduced it to her today when it came on TV and Bella began to sing along to "I Will Always Love You". Nana showed me this trick when I got home from work and we are all very excited that Bella is singing at such a young age, she's a true Walker already. Her latest trick is to pull her foot to her mouth and sing into it (I think she's actually trying to eat her foot but that doesn't make her sound nearly as advanced).

In other news, well I guess there is no other news. Kyle is working and I'm working and we are thoroughly enjoying our baby. Life is good.

Kyle has recently discovered that he has no hips and is therefore very jealous that he cannot hold Bella like Nana or Mommy. He is trying here but see below for the proper form.

Bella got her first ear hat and this pic was too funny to pass up.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Yo Ho Yo Ho...A Pirate's Life for Me

Before I say anything, all of you can breathe easier knowing that Kyle and I gave Randy his Bella fix as soon as we saw his post. Okay, I can move on...

Happy 5th of July everyone...since I missed the fourth I bring glad tidings on the 5th. It's never too late. We spent this holiday weekend in California. Kyle and I enjoyed seeing the Counting Crows on Friday night. Unfortunately, they played with the Goo Goo Dolls and they tried to steal the show...but other than that we had a really good time. The rest of the weekend was spent at the happiest place on earth, that's right folks, Disneyland. Bella has officially been introduced to all of the wonders of that magical place. For being only three months old I think she really enjoyed herself. We took her on a few rides and she got really excited and was very observant on them. I don't think she enjoyed the heat very much, but then again, none of us did. We did, however, enjoy the new additions to the Pirates of the Caribbean. The parts with Jack Sparrow look amazing and the special effects edition of Davy Jones is a nice touch. We had a very good time as we always do but it was nice to come back to the dry Arizona heat instead of the sticky California heat.

Oh yes and the highlight of today's! I ordered a cable off ebay so I can share pics...woo hoo!

Bella with Grammy and Grandpa Bob
Bella in her pirate's outfit after a long day at the Dis
Relaxing with her Aunt Grace
4 crazy kids at the happiest place on earth
One cool hipster on the fourth