Saturday, October 22, 2005

I can't walk!

So I was walking up the stairs the other day and my stupid ankle collapsed on me. I couldn't get up for a good twenty minutes and the rest of the day had an amount of the pain as bad as I have experienced since I first injured my ankle. I went to the doctor who will send me to a specialist on the second of november. The concern is the fact that the swelling is in a place that it has never been. I should have been healed by now but that is obviously not the case, so hopefully we can find out what's going on........

In other news, we will find out the sex of the baby on Novemeber 2 and we are very excited to learn this information. Lyndsay and I have no feelings either way as to what it might be, although everyone is telling us it will be a boy, not quite sure why, though. I checked the signs of the Zodiac, looked to the stars, and did my tarot cards over and over, but still did not find an answer.....guess we'll have to let medical science give us the answer....that, or my magic eight ball....shake shake shake.....answer hazy, try again later.....hmmmm.....medical science it is then!


Fun fact of the day: on this day in 1969 Led Zeppelin released the classic album Led Zeppelin II, featuring the hit single "Whole Lotta Love."........isn't that FUN!?!?!?!

Album of the day: Zeppelin?! it's Unkle - Never, Never, Land (2004)......and speaking of uncles, please always keep the crazy one in your prayers that he will find a job.


Anonymous said...

ouch! Even the picture you posted looks like it hurts! We will certainly be praying for your recovery, and for Lindsay and baby Theopholis, and for "crazyuncle"...wait, I need a larger piece of paper for my prayer list.

Lindsay Ward said...

Thank you for finally updating! You better let us know as soon as you find out the sex of baby Theopholis.

Aaron, Kara, Walker, Sophie June, and Ford said...

Glad to see some new info on your blog. We can't wait to hear what your baby will be!

Caleb said...

Finally! Gosh, it took a serious injury for you to update your blog. Sorry about the ankle.

Alison said...

well I want it to be a girl b/c they are better to shop for but either way I will love it and spoil it. I am so happy for both of you. I can't wait to see you guys.

I hope your ankle gets better I am sorry you hurt it again.

Mimi and Poppy said...

That ankle thing looks just awful. Are you still in pain? I will pray for you right after I pray for your dad. Be sure to let us know if Theo is a girl or a boy.