Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Baby Update!

Lyndsay had another appointment today and she was able to hear the heartbeat! It was 164 bpm and while the doctor said that normal was from 120 to 160, she said that it was probably high due to the baby movement at that particular time. In any event, everything seems fine and for all intents and purposes, we are out of the first trimester. What our doctor told us was a "high risk pregancy," due to lyndsay's endometriosis, now qualifies as a "normal" pregnancy. By the way, i'm thinking of naming the newborn, (be it boy or girl) Theophilus. Ah yes, Theophilus Walker, has a nice ring, does it not?


Alison said...

YEAH!!!!!!! You better not name your child that. I am so excited for you guys. I can't wait to see you guys again.

Auntie Eisel said...

That's very exciting about your baby! I'm glad it's healthy and everything. What will it's middle name be? My guess is, it would take your kid a little bit longer to learn how to spell his name if you named him that..... I don't even remember how to spell it!! (but that's not saying much) =)

Aaron, Kara, Walker, Sophie June, and Ford said...

We're very excited for y'all, and I have to say I appreciate your name choosing skills, maybe even "most excellent Theophilus" just sounds so dignified that way.

here's our new blog:

Mimi and Poppy said...

So glad to hear all is well. I saw a baby t-shirt in a store yesterday. It said "Honeymoon Baby." I nearly bought it. It cost $24. I decided to tell you about it instead!
Here's our new blog.
Aunt Denise, Uncle Rick

Auntie Eisel said...

Uuuuuum....... you haven't made a new post in FOREVER!! Do you know this? I just thought I should tell you.

ashodpuck said...

have a lot of fun for me... soo scary ... whathaH*ll im am... que pasa acaso no conoces como se pronuncia chile jajaja esta todo bien! saludos! desde el rustico y como pais de Shile! Stgo ! met.