Thursday, November 03, 2005

the pic says it all

Yes, it is most definately a girl. Now before you ask, Lyndsay already placed a veto on my name of Theophilus. Instead we're going to use the name Isabella. Also, everything seems to be healthy, so we are definately thanking God for that.

As for other news, my leg that was hit is just bruised and will require no medical attention. As for the right ankle, the specialist could not quite tell me what was wrong, but made sure to tell me it was very bad. Next stop-MRI! Woohoo!


Since finding out the sex of the baby is such exciting news, today's blog requires two albums of the day, you can all thank me later.

Albums of the Day: Various Artists - The I-10 Chronicles, Vol. 2: One More for the Road (2001)/Dj Shadow - The Private Press [Japan Bonus Tracks] (2002)


Mimi and Poppy said...

Oh my soul! A girl! How wonderful that she is healthy and well on her way. I'm so sorry to hear about your car-hitting. I am glad that you are safe and sound though. I just ran home to pick up some things and then I'm back to K, A, and W's for caregiving. So I'll run now. But we are so glad to hear your great news about the baby and your alive-ness!

Lindsay Ward said...

Congrats to both of you! I love the name!

Alison said...

I know I told you already but I am so excited!!!! I can't wait to see you guys at Thanksgiving and then I plan to come once Bella is born.

Caleb said...

You should probably update rather soon. Gztaqtj

Auntie Eisel said...

Merry Thanksgiving! You could at least make a Christmas or Thanksgiving post man!!

Caleb said...

Dude. The longest times in between updates on your blog previously has been a month. Now it's been almost a month and a half and you should've updated like two weeks ago.

Auntie Eisel said...

It's really really REALLY time to update now.

Auntie Eisel said...

Kyle, do you know what a blog is? Do you know that it is for UPDATING people on your life?!? We REALLY want to know what's going on. If you could fill us in, we'd be very appreciative.

Caleb said...

Three months is way too long.

Caleb said...

You really need to post.

Caleb said...

Once you reach a dozen comments, It is required that you update.

Auntie Eisel said...

Are you one of those loosers who doesn't even update when he becomes a FATHER????!!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?! I'm disgusted.